I never thought I would be blogging. But, here I am. After very much contemplating, I thought "Why not try it out?" I guess I'll figure out if it's a good or bad idea eventually; but until then, here goes nothing...
The title I chose for my blog is "Pushing Adulthood." I've heard people say "She's pushing 50" or "He's pushing retirement" ... Those sound like big milestones. Adulthood is a milestone for me. 22 (23 in less than a month) is such an awkward age. Do I buy fun clothes to go out in, or do I buy work-appropriate professional clothes? Do I stay in and get a good night sleep before work tomorrow, or do I go out and enjoy my young age? Do i read a new fictional novel or do I read a book that will help with my profession? If I get in a bad argument with a friend, do I forgive and forget like an adult, or do I cut my losses and somehow manage to move forward without them?
All these questions and more - some ridiculous and some deep - flood my mind, and I'm sure many others minds too. I've been finding myself thinking/questioning in circles. I ask myself the same questions over and over about friendship, family, faith, job hunting, interviews, competition, professionalism, acting more responsible, education, relationships...to name a few ;)
Aren't your early 20's supposed to be for fun?! When did all the stress of Adulthood creep into my life?? Maybe to find the answers to my questions, I should stop keeping those questions to myself, and look outside the box. My mother blogs about her ideas on faith (she works in a church), my Aunt blogs on technology (she teaches it at the High School level), and I have several friends that blog on a wide range of things (their crazy personal life, educational accomplishments as an aspiring teacher, books they read, places they travel, etc etc...).
I'm learning that life can be a little random (an understatement). I believe that this is one of the toughest times in life - balancing the scale of still being young and enjoying life, yet finding yourself thrust into a professional environment. Here I am...Pushing Adulthood. And for the record, I have not decided if it means I'm just on the edge of coming into adulthood (pushing myself into it) OR if I'm literally pushing it away all together!! I'll just have to see how it all turns out!
So here I go, on to the adventure of blogging my thoughts and experiences of Pushing Adulthood... :)