Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Scrabble Coaster DIY Tutorial

Hello friends!

Today I finally finished a craft I had started in October 2011. Yes, it has been that long since I picked up the scrabble pieces and bought my materials. Unfortunately, life got in the way (as it seems to do with me), and my little DIY project got stuffed in a Gap bag at the back of my coat closest. Thanks to summer break, the project got done!

Here's what you'll need:
-Scrabble pieces
-Sand paper
-Wood Stain
-Gorilla Glue
-Ruler & Scissors & Pen/pencil
-Hard surface to work on

First, I organized my letters to say words that I loved. I chose: Love, Laugh, Faith, Hope, Trust, and Peace. Since I still had tons of extra letters, I decided to also use my family members. The coasters are 5x5, so I couldn't use mine and my brother's full names. I used our childhood (and adult still haha) nicknames. Mine was (and still is) "Cake," and Zach's is "Boo." Figuring out how I wanted to arrange the letters wasn't difficult, but did take a little bit of time: about 30 mins.

I wanted my specific words to stand out, so I decided to stain them a darker color. However, there is already laminate coating on the Scrabble tiles, so they need to be sanded down.

I purchased sand paper at Home Depot, cut it into strips so it was easier to manage, and got to work! I just sanded down the top and sides, since the bottom won't be visible anyways. This didn't take very long at all.

After sanding it down, I stained them! I purchased a Wood Stain pen at Home Depot (only $5). It's kind of like a sharpie, which is perfect because otherwise you have to buy a whole bottle of stain and I obviously don't need that much for this project.

The stain is really dark at first, but as it dries, it starts to lighten up a lot.

Yeah, definitely too dark! But I promise, it lightens! (Oh, and I got the color Red Oak. I kind of wish I got a bit of a lighter color, but I'm happy with this one overall).

Waiting for some tiles to dry...still sanding others:

Once some were dry, I started actually making the coasters! I measured out how big I needed the coasters to be. Like I said, I did 5x5 (measured in scrabble tiles). The cork board was really easy to cut with just regular scissors.

I applied the tiles with Gorilla Glue because, let's face it, that is definitely the strongest glue out there! Here's my little work station...some of the coasters already done:

And voila! Here is the finished product! (Once again)

I'm thinking of staining the lighter tiles to be a little darker as well (just a shade or two). But I'm going to test them out for a couple weeks first and see if I get used to them. Thanks, Pinterest! (And summer break)   :)


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sibling Weekend 2013

So I had this saved as a draft to post on March 1...and never clicked "Publish"! I'm such a bad blogger.

Back in February, my brother came to visit me for a weekend. It was our first annual "sibling weekend extravaganza." Extravaganza it was not, but Zach is one of the most chilled-out guys you will ever meet, so it was perfect for us. :)

When he flew in on a Friday night, he was actually sick! Poor guy. He was determined to have fun though. We stopped and got tons of meds, gatorade, and comfort/healthy food to nurse him back to health ASAP!

Saturday morning, we slept in a little bit and when he was feeling up for it, we went for a hike at Dreamy Draw park. I love this park because there are so many different trails to wander off on. Zach likes it more quiet and off-the-beaten-path (and I don't really care as long as I'm on a mountain), so we managed to get ourselves a little lost and loved it!

Saturday night, we went and saw Silver Linings Playbook at the Studio Movie Grill - which I am obsessed with both that movie and that theater!

Sunday morning we went for another hike, this time to Pinnacle Peak. Probably one of my favorite hikes in the Valley area. It's nothing splendid, just a decently easy hike, with beautiful views.

We were pooped, so we napped and had a low-key dinner with my cousin and his wife that evening.

Monday we decided to do something a little different and horse-back ride! We had a private tour with a guide, and it was so much fun! Although, I think we're both glad that we chose to do a 1 hour only ride because sitting on a horse is really not that comfortable.

I really miss my brother, and am so blessed that we have a fantastic relationship with each other. I don't know what I would do without him! Looking forward to next years sibling weekend! Any suggestions where we should go?? :)


Carry On

So there's been a huge gap of time between my posts, and I apologize for that. Busy school year, mixed with travelling, doing a few fitness challenges (it was hard enough to carve out extra time for that), and other extra-curriculars. Yikes. Glad it is summer though!

This post is going to be a little raw. About 2 weeks ago, my grandmother passed away. It's been very hard to describe the emotions I've been experiencing, but the easiest way to describe it is: dark.

If you saw me at all the past 2 weeks, you probably wouldn't even know that I had a death in the family. It's hard to admit this, but I have become really good at putting up walls to everyone when it comes to certain things in life. I bottle it all up because I want to seem strong, that I am put together, and know how to handle tough situations. But I've been lost these past 2 weeks. Internally, I know I am not the same person as I was before my grandmother's death.

I honestly really haven't had a conversation with my grandmother since I was about 18 years old. So anyone doing the math on that...that's almost 8 years. My grandfather passed away when I was 16, and after that, my grandmother moved to Arizona for a few years, then to Indiana, then was put into a nursing home. This was all carried out by my two uncles - who, let's just say, there's issues with them. I'm not going to write about all the family drama that has occurred (because, let's face it, everyone has family drama - so why do you want to hear about another family's), but let's juts say that it drove a wedge between family members. My relationship with my grandmother changed.

I went from a young age of loving and admiring my grandmother, to being confused about the situations she was in and how she was handling them as a mature adult, to pitying her for not handling situations properly, to anger for drifting apart, to sadness for her health, and then back to pity after another stroke which left her basically non-verbal and bed-ridden. Except that last feeling of pity was a loving-pity ... if that makes sense?

I love my grandmother, I really do. But certain circumstances forced me to say goodbye to her years ago. Which leads me to this very strange confusion and darkness I've felt the past 2 weeks.

I don't feel myself. I've been very good at masking my emotions from those closest to me out here in Arizona. But the truth is, I'm hurting more than I thought I would after my grandmother's death.

After having some days of just pure silence - no students - no friends - no family - just me on my summer break, laying in bed, thinking - I think I've finally found an answer to this "darkness" I've been feeling.

I don't want to end up like my grandmother.

Like I said, I love my grandmother. Despite all the negative feelings I had about family drama, I chose a long time ago to just remember and focus on the good memories I have of her when I was younger. The sleepovers with her and my grandpa - the dozens of desserts she would make - teaching me how to cook while I sat up on her counter top - running through the sprinkler in the backyard while she sat on the swing and took pictures of me. I love and cherish all of those memories.

But my grandmother was a stubborn woman. Once she held a grudge, it was near impossible to let it go. She had her way more times than not, and she made sure you knew exactly what she was thinking - good or bad.

Does this sound familiar? Yep, that's me. I've gotten better over the years at learning how to let grudges go, but there are still a few that I harbor deep inside. I love getting my way, and pout like a baby if I don't, and I always tell you what's on my mind.

My grandmother's death scares me. She died alone, in a nursing home, where (I'm beyond ashamed to admit) people really only visited her on major holidays - if we had time.

Death scares me enough as it is. This death just hit me so hard. I live alone. Sure, I have my friends here - but I'm young - none of us have kids or big families out here to keep us occupied from seeing each other. What if I'm stuck alone while everyone moves forward. What if I have a family, but I stay stubborn and end up alone in a nursing home too? What if I drive a wedge between the people I love with my grudges and quick tongue?

There are fundamental qualities about myself that I strive to change and better. And I hope that those qualities are that which I am most afraid of.

One song has been stuck in my head all week. It's a little annoying, but the lyrics are kind of helping me. "Carry On" by Fun. The line: "If you're lost and alone/Or you're sinking like a stone/Carry On/May your past be the sound/Of your feet upon the ground/Carry on."

Some how, I'm going to need to find a way out of this dark, emotional, sad, freaked-out state of mind that I've been in for 2 weeks. I will have to accept what I can't change, and pray to God that I can change enough to not end up like my grandmother. I know I'm strong enough to, but it's finding that courage to say that it's time for a change, that I need to find.

Rest in Peace, grandma. Help me find the strength to carry on and be a better person than I am now. Love you a bunch.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Musings of a new fitness junkie

I don't know if "musings" is the right word, but it sure does sound cool.

I got the workout program, Insanity, for Christmas this past year and after about 3 weeks of seriously INSANE cardio, I'm hooked. It hard as shit, but I do as much as I can, have been improving every day, and feel so great afterwards.

The other day, I was talking with a dear friend about what motivates us when we feel like giving up. Some of the things we came up with for motivation made me laugh, some made me feel a little teary eyed, and some made me feel empowered. I wanted to share our list of motivation for anyone out there that's looking for some, or if you just want to laugh at our ridiculousness...

I think of all the people that want to workout, but can't, because of disabilities.

I think if my mom that beat cancer, so surely I can beat another mile.

I think of my students that see me as a role model, not as a lazy slob.

I think of how I would only have myself to blame if I didn't finish the workout...and I hate being the one to blame.

I think of one day meeting Ryan Gosling or Ryan Lochte on a beach somewhere and looking amazing because of all those planks...and we whisk off into the sunset together...

I think of bikini season.

I think of all my ex-boyfriends and how I only hope to run into them at the gym bench pressing like a boss, and then turning them down when they realize what a HUGE mistake they've made. HUGE. (Yeah, I said that in Julia Robert's voice from Pretty Woman. You should have too.)

And lastly, I think about how this is the only body I have. For the rest of my life. And since I'm only 25, I better take good care of it.

So friends, what motivates you?


Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Will Be My Year

Hello friends! I'm a little weary of New Years resolutions only because they seem to never stick. However, I have a few goals for myself that are not just for 2013, but hopefully will progress throughout the years.

2012 was a little rough. Mom's cancer diagnosis, ending a relationship/friendship, entering back into the dating world (unsuccessfully, I might add...), my brother losing his job (but soon finding a new better one), close friends struggling with infertility, dealing with 25 year old bullies, and the craziness of ending my first year teaching, to beginning a wonderful 2nd year in the classroom.

Yes, 2012 was busy. A lot of big, scary changes. But I feel that all of those big events were just leading up to some truly wonderful things.

So, my 2013 goals are:

1. Live a more holy life
2. Take more photos
3. Want less
4. Save more
5. End envy
6. Expect nothing
7. Minimize clutter
8. Run often

I've printed these goals out and put them on my fridge to remind me daily.

I hope you all have some amazing goals for 2013 and accomplish them!

Leaving you lovelies with a quote that sums up how I feel about this upcoming year: "If you want to be happy, then be." :)
