This past mother's day, I was in Colorado surprising my cousin for her graduation, and my brother was down at school studying for his last set of undergrad finals. So we really didn't get to properly celebrate with the family. With all four of us having full-time jobs now (well, Zach doesn't start his until tomorrow, but ever since he graduated, he's been making a wonderful living out of sleeping in and playing video games) we are just incredibly busy. Zach and I decided to plan a dual father's day/mother's day on father's day ... a.k.a. Parent's Day!
Now, both sides of my family - all of my great grandparents - haved lived in Chicago since before the 1920's. Chicago has been my family's home for over 100 years. How cool is it to be able to say that??? Although we are suburbanites, the city really is a place we call home. HOWEVER...that does not stop us from loving to do tourist-y things any chance we get!!
Chicago is abundantly filled with history, new things to do, crazy people to watch, awesome sports teams (minus the cubbies), some of the best restaurants in the country, and so many memories to be made. This "parent's day," we wanted to do something we've never done before. And something we'd probably only want to do once! So we decided to take...
...a segway tour!!!
So much fun! Definitely something I'm only going to do that once, but it was totally worth it to say I've done it. Zipping down the lake front, taking it all in - the scenery, the wind, the sun (thank you, rain, for holding off), driving in circles around each other, having people stare and point at you like you're nuts and not care about it because you'll never see them again...Best. Fathers. And. Mothers. Day. Ever.
Okay, so we're major dorks. I don't care one bit, because I couldn't help but think as I was watching other people around: we are a blessed family. There were families out that were fighting and bickering, there were people out that I didn't even see a dad around. Or a mom. I saw a dad with his 3 kids, and they all looked miserable on our tour - the dad wasn't wearing a wedding ring, and the kids looked bored out of their minds on their phones and iPods the whole time - this made me grateful for what I had, parents still together and my brother and I happy to spend time with them. I saw a woman in about her 40's with 2 daughters, and although they didn't look miserable, they also didn't look very happy.
Seriously, how blessed can I be? My little family was doing the dorkiest thing imaginable in the city, bright colored helmets to boot, and we were having a BLAST! No fighting, no rolling of the eyes, no nasty comments to each other or wishing we were somewhere else. In fact, I accidently left my cell phone at home and it didn't even phase me. I actually haven't even checked it since I've been home for an hour. Who cares, I've had a fabulous day with the people that mean the most to me, and they're under the same roof as I am right now!
My parents have been parents for almost 24 years now. And not a day goes by that I feel lucky to have them to call "mine." My parents are still together, and still love each other immensely.
Yes, I am insanely blessed. In more ways than I can count. Tonight, before I fall asleep, I'll be making sure I don't leave a "thanks" out of my prayers for my dad and his patience, understanding and support; for my mom and her love, care, and trust. I have amazing parents that take pictures like this when I ask them to:
Happy Father's Day to all pops out there, and Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the mamacitas :)
How fun!!!! Love the pictures!