Friday, March 16, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle, Challenge Numero 1

I have been debating writing this blog for a while now, always kind of embarrassed of my situation. However, recently I was talking to some other fellow 20-something females - ladies that I consider strong, independent, and I very much look up to and admire, even though they are my age - and I realized that I am not alone in this situation. So, here it goes. I'm swallowing my embarrassment and I'm going to start being open and honest about this struggle I've been dealing with:

my weight.

*GASP* How could I? No self-respecting woman would ever talk openly about her weight in public! Let alone the world-wide web!

Too. Effing. Bad.

Now, let me just preface this by saying, I'm little. I already know this. I'm 5'2", and much smaller than other people I know. But for my height and age, I am not in the "healthy" category. it goes. Me vowing to live a healthier lifestyle.

First: I'm going to make it a point to cook healthy meals at least 4-5 nights a week.

Second: No beer. Yikes. This will be a hard one to accomplish. But it needs to be done.

Third: I'm going to complete the couch-to-5k plan, and I'm going to RUN my first 5k. That's right. No walking, no breaks. Just running. Find the plan here.

Fourth: I will lose 15 lbs by my the time of my dear friends wedding that I'm standing up in on September 22. That's a little over 6 months. 

Today was challenge #1.

I cooked this great meal:

Lemon Rosemary Salmon (recipe found here)

Doesn't it look simply yummy?? Challenge #1 complete!

Cheers to healthiness!


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