Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games

I read the books.
I saw the movie.
I am in love with both.

Call me nerdy: I hosted a little Hunger Games party with some lovely coworkers who are also big fans of the book. We all made something delish that was inspired by the food in the books! I meant to take pictures of it all, but with all the girly talk and excitement to eat and go see the movie, I totally forgot. I snapped one picture of my cupcakes though:

I attempted putting little flames on the cupcakes, but my artistic skills are not up to par at all. So they ended up like this! Girl on fire! The cupcakes are actually "on fire" looking. I dyed some of the cupcake mix red, some orange, and some yellow. I layered it red-orange-yellow in the cupcake pan, and when you took the wrapping off, they looked like flames! Very crafty, I might add ;)

I also made these following dishes, click on the link for the recipes:

Goat Cheese and Apple Tarts

Blackberry Cobbler


Lastly, I laid out some pita chips (for Peeta of course!), and someone brought over Sushi (for District 4 in the 2nd book that mostly is fishermen).

Like I said, call me nerdy. I'm okay with it. The night was so much fun, and I'm definitely loving trying new recipes for themed parties! I'm seeing a new tradition starting here...


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