Monday, November 12, 2012

Cancer Blessings

Disclaimer: This post was written on October 14 (a month ago) and has been held back from posting because I was waiting on my mother to send me pictures. Way to go, MOM! ;)

Two posts ago, I wrote about some cancer frustrations. It was a "vent" post. Those frustrations still stand, of course. But I've learned to let them go (especially about the friends that have not contacted our family once since finding out about my mom's diagnosis - I get that not everyone is comfortable with cancer, but these are friends that have had cancer diagnosis' in their families multiple times. No excuses.).

But despite some of those frustrations, the blessings far outweigh anything negative. Far surpassing any negativity is the fact that we are so surrounded with love.

My Aunt Mindy has been an angel sent from God during this whole process. She cooks meals for my family once a week, and the meals are big enough to feed everyone for days. If only I was actually home in IL to partake in them! She is an amazing cook, and her love and support is evident through every bite of her home-cooked meals. She and my Uncle Don did a Cancer Support walk with us on October 7 in Homewood, IL. My family was so happy to have them by our side. Here is a picture pre-race:

I was home for a week in October since we have fall break at our middle school in AZ. So the walk with my family kicked off my week with my fam!

During that week home, we planned a 50th birthday celebration for my mom! We planned it in ... 4 days. Yes, you read that right. A huge 50th birthday party planned in just 4 days time! My dad and I could not have done it without the help of my wonderful Aunt Mistee, who graciously hosted it at her home. Every single person that we invited, showed up. This is when you know you are surrounded with love: when you give people 4 days notice of a birthday party, and they all show up just to hug the birthday girl. Seriously, how lucky is my mom?!

Here is my beautiful momma with my Aunt Mistee and Uncle Dan (the hosts):

Here is a family picture:

And here is my favorite picture of the mom surrounded by all the people that have taken her to her chemotherapy treatments. (Except for my Aunt Diane, Aunt Teri, Aunt Toni, and cousin Brook that all live in other states - and her friend Kathy that left the party right before we took a picture. But they are there in spirit):

Friends that have been in my mom's life for 20+ years. Friends that are newer. In-laws. Siblings. Her children and her husband. Yes, if there is one thing that is certain about having cancer, it is that it gives you SO much to be thankful for. So so much.

When my week home with my family was done with, I flew back to AZ with tears welling up in my eyes that I had to say goodbye to my family yet again. But the next day, October 14, I shared a truly beautiful day with my loves in AZ. I participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, and raised $950 for cancer research!

Walking with me was my dear friend, Lauren, and her husband Michael (not pictured because he was running while we were walking), my cousin Pete, and his girlfriend, Melissa.

Cancer sucks. But it's blessings do not.


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