Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Will Be My Year

Hello friends! I'm a little weary of New Years resolutions only because they seem to never stick. However, I have a few goals for myself that are not just for 2013, but hopefully will progress throughout the years.

2012 was a little rough. Mom's cancer diagnosis, ending a relationship/friendship, entering back into the dating world (unsuccessfully, I might add...), my brother losing his job (but soon finding a new better one), close friends struggling with infertility, dealing with 25 year old bullies, and the craziness of ending my first year teaching, to beginning a wonderful 2nd year in the classroom.

Yes, 2012 was busy. A lot of big, scary changes. But I feel that all of those big events were just leading up to some truly wonderful things.

So, my 2013 goals are:

1. Live a more holy life
2. Take more photos
3. Want less
4. Save more
5. End envy
6. Expect nothing
7. Minimize clutter
8. Run often

I've printed these goals out and put them on my fridge to remind me daily.

I hope you all have some amazing goals for 2013 and accomplish them!

Leaving you lovelies with a quote that sums up how I feel about this upcoming year: "If you want to be happy, then be." :)


1 comment:

  1. I really love your goals. I've even written some (most) of them down for myself - esp #1. I hope the holidays treated you well and that you have a truly wonderful 2013.
