Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting out of the rut!

I've been feeling like I'm in a rut lately. A major "I-need-a-change-but-have-no-time-for-ANYthing" kind of rut. And it has been eating away at me for months! Basically since track season started in January. Don't get me wrong, I love coaching track. It's amazing to see students grow and develop outside of the classroom setting, to get to know them and their interests, and to really see them excel at something they love athletically. But any coach can tell you: it's hard work. And any track coach can tell you: it's a freaking LONG season!!! January-March, I was go-go-go: wake up, rush to get ready, work, track practice, work out, dinner, shower, sleep...do it all over again. Weekends somehow did not allow much down-time either. But those first few days of April, when the Chicago-land area saw a few amazing days of sunshine and 70 degree weather, it got me in the mood to break my rut and get myself ready for summer-time and the relaxation of not stressing over work or coaching.

So lately I've been making some time within my crazy schedule to make some small changes here or there in my home and life, to break up this RUT! Some changes/additions as of lately:

Buying some spring- and summer-inspired outfits:

Floral skirt from Ann Taylor LOFT, found here

Silk pleated tank top from Banana Republic, found here

Striped nautical dress from J.Crew, found here

Nothing says "summah time!" to me more than pastel colors and the nautical theme!

Cleaning and organizing messy areas in my house:

The closet floor I haven't seen since last summer, and 3 large garbage bags of clothes lighter after donations! I can now actually find the matches to shoes in the morning, and all my purses are stacked and lined up so nicely instead of thrown up top in a big pile of sloppiness!

Bathroom linen closet - the last time I saw empty shelf space was when we moved in 10 years ago...yikes! I'm still shocked at how much hair product and lotion I have. Please nobody buy me lotion or a gift card to Ulta again for a LONG time!! ;)

These are just a few things I've been able to accomplish, or made time to actually go up to the mall (rather than online shop from the couch) to buy. Next thing on my list: organize the obnoxiously disorganized desk in my room, and go get a massage!!

Hoping everyone out there is finding time to prevent themselves from getting stuck in a rut!! :)


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